Magic-Flight Launch Box
Beautifully crafted and intuitively designed, the Magic-Flight Launch Box, is powered by a rechargeable AA NiMH battery and holds the title of the worlds smallest electronic vaporizer, making it the perfect option for low-profile vaporizing on-the-go.
Each Launch Box vaporizer represents the effort of many skilled craftsman. Three wood choices are available, along with five different Laser Etch models.
Accessory Friendly
The Launch Box has many accessories to choose from such as the Power Adapter 2.0 for extra power at home or in your vehicle, Water Piece Whip for water cooled vapor, and Concentrate Tray for using solid concentrates or liquids.
How it Works
To begin vaporization, slide back the Launch Box lid and load blends loosely into the trench. Close the lid and press the charged battery into the box to activate the stainless steel heating rod. An orange indicator light under the lid will light to show you the conduction process is taking place and will be ready-to-use in 3 to 5 seconds. A unique vapor channel flow system delivers vapor directly to the user minimizing condensation. Draw slowly from the glass stem for best results. Release pressure on battery two-thirds through draw to prevent overheating.
After cooling, simply empty the trench and brush gently using the cleaning brush. Gently blow into trench to remove any remaining dust. The screen may discolor after use. To clean, gently wipe screen with a 91% Isopropyl Alcohol. Avoid contact of Isopropyl alcohol with trench.